Tuesday, March 06, 2007


These are the turbulent times, with nothing decided as of now, though lots of things are on the cards. Meeting lots of people, and they are interesting too, but still need to figure out how much time I should spend on meeting people like this and taking the so called "gyan". It's not that it's getting boring or anything, but changing the perceptions based on anyone and everyone's thoughts is a bit different to do as per human nature.
In addition, the schedule has gone haywire, with nothing substantial coming out of it - I had thought that I'll not spend so much time on the internet; not even on the television, and would read more and more. Haven't been able to adhere to first two, but yes, have started yet again - to read. Good books are there in plenty, and we just need to grab the right ones. Just finished "The Monk and the Riddle" - the education of silicon valley entrepreneur. Good read.

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